Can I cancel or modify an order?
Order cancellations or modifications are unfortunately not usually possible after the order has been placed.
Where is my order?
When your order ships, a shipping confirmation email containing tracking information is sent to the address you gave at checkout. If you have placed an order and have not received email confirmation, please be sure to look in your Spam folder. If nothing is there, please email us at info@wrapsnraps.com to let us know.
Why can’t I modify or cancel my order?
Orders are processed instantly and sent to our warehouse by our fulfillment system as soon as they are placed. As a result, orders can be processed swiftly and effectively, but once an order is placed, it may not always be possible to make modifications or cancel it.
Shipping & Delivery
Do you offer free shipping?
Currently we do not offer free shipping.
How long does it take to get my order?
Orders are processed in 1 to 2 business days and we ship out on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Shipping within the United States of America can take up to 5 business days.
International shipping could take up to 14-20+ business days.
How much is shipping?
Shipping costs start at $5.55+ Pricing for heavier orders will be calculated at checkout and may differ based on location.
Do you ship internationally?
Yes, we ship our products all over the globe.